Photographers can capture some of the most gripping moments in life with just a simple picture. Photographs intrigue us, entice us, beg us to peer in and know more. Famous wedding photographer Fer Juaristi describes photographs as, “what matters is making pictures that make people feel and react to them”. Photographers can capture an entirety of a memory, a moment, an instant, all in one picture. They can capture joy, sadness, love, despair, lust, anger, fear and so much more. Portraits capture humanity in perhaps the most humane way.
Humanity is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the quality or state of being human”. It is in that humanity—the quality of being human which connects us. Sharing with each other the base qualities which make us human connects us. It is humanity that brings people together.
Humans of Acadia is attempting to capture a variety of different feelings and emotions. We attempt to capture the clear impactful moments within a conversation to share ‘humanness’ across campus. It is those relatable, significant, moments, that hit us in the most profound ways. We speak to memories. The flood of emotion, of experience. Sharing the experiences, humour, lessons, stories of any one person. Through a conversation we capture those stories to share with the online world. The stories posted are just a simple piece of the person but they illustrate the essence of what has impacted that person.
The ability for digital story-telling arise through the use the online sources, such Facebook. Humans of Acadia allows us to share the humanity throughout campus in the most piercing way. The stories can make us laugh, make us cry, make us burn with rage or all at the same time. By using an online medium sharing is not restricted to a human to human interaction. Human’s of Acadia it has the ability to be shared through computers, phones, tablets, and other online devices. These devices have been thought to be separating us in so many ways. Humans of Acadia attempted to challenge the divide. We use that which is arguable disconnecting us from reality to connect our Acadia community through our devices.