Coming to the closing months of 2017, the topic of gender has become one discussed regularly. Singers, writers, actors, and anyone with a blog or Twitter have been allowing the gender spectrum to finally be allowed […]
Are You Feeding a Bag Monster? Ok, you’re probably wondering what on earth I’m talking about when I say, “feeding a bag monster”, right? Well before you exclaim, “I can barely feed myself on my student budget and schedule, […]
I was furious after reading the article on President Dr. George Barton Cutten, but not for the reasons outlined in the Athenaeum. Before I unleash my pent-up fury, I will start by congratulating the Athenaeum staff and writers for an […]
“… I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed by the white moderate I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White […]
Wolfville, an idyllic university town located in the stunning Annapolis Valley. However, like most superficially perfect settings, it hides a dark secret. Every year, throughout our town, students are purchasing and neglecting domestic cats (Felis catus). Cat ownership can be […]
8:30 am and Comp Science, wow. What a combo to get this English/Politics major out of bed! Yum. As I ate cherry Halls for breakfast on the walk to Carnegie, I was feeling surprisingly chipper for a lecture on Fiber […]
“From a student standpoint it appears to me that we’re all well taken care of during these tense times. Through all of this it seems clear that both AUFA, the ASU, and the Board of Governors would like all students […]
For thousands of years now, people have debated about the concept of what it means to be objectively “right” or “wrong”. Despite this unsettled issue, much of the life of a university student is reliant on whether whoever is marking […]
I am a centrist. For many in the world of politics that means I am apparently an unprincipled flip flopper who will go wherever the political winds take me. For them, my want to find a reasonable compromise is something […]
“These new policies will be a genocide on minimum wage jobs” “A living wage” is what you hear from its supporters, “A genocide on employment” is what you hear from its critics. If you’re from Ontario then you know […]
Oh, the coin toss. One team get’s a choice. Do they kick the ball to the other team, or opt to have it kicked to them? While this may seem like a mundane choice, it’s actually quite critical to how […]
Yes, you have read that correctly. It’s something you may have said aloud, but never read in text –nevertheless it is a part of campus culture. Or maybe this is your introduction to the topic. NARP, non-athletic-regular-person. A term often […]
Why did you come to Acadia? I’m sure for multiple little reasons: the beautiful campus, the regional reputation, athletics, location, scholarships, or you’re just a big fan of mud sliding. Whatever you’re into man. But it’s just that, it’s the […]
Fear, facts, and the seemingly uncontrollable big picture will not motivate individuals to make a change for sustainability. Climate change has positioned the global community at a turning point and there are only two ways to go: continue business as […]
“You’re an arts major?” *eyebrows raised to hairline. * An arts major’s monthly, if not weekly, response to their choice of education. Anyone taking History, English, Sociology, Classics, or Political Science etc. has at least once in their lifetime of […]