The people have spoken, the votes are in, and the ballots are counted. The 2016 municipal election for Wolfville took place on October 15th and the outcome was far from the norm – 5 out of the 6 elected councilors are women. “We are a progressive town,” says elected councilor Wendy Donavon and I couldn’t agree more. This contrasts Halifax whose council is the least equally gender representative that they have been in years with only 2 female councilors out of 16. Leading the votes was esteemed councilor Carl Oldham with 767 votes. He was followed in order by Wendy Elliot, Wendy Donovan, Mercedes Brian, Jodi Mackay, and Oonagh Proudfoot. This council is made up of three returning candidates and three new representatives, lead by Mayor Cantwell. With an equal mix of returning candidates and fresh perspective, a previously minute female voice refreshingly liberated and a Mayor so good at his job no one will run against him, I think that town of Wolfville is in for a prosperous term. Thank you to every Wolfville resident and politically awakened student who took the time to ensure his or her voice was heard this election season.
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