Upcoming Climate Discussion: “Talk to Me About Climate Change”

As many students know, climate change has been a rising concern in the past few years, becoming a major topic in the 2019 Federal Election. During the past two seasons, the Town of Wolfville has been sending representatives door to door in order to receive input from community members on the hot topic of climate change. 

Gill Cormier, a town representative, stated that the Town of Wolfville asked community members these four questions:

  • How concerned are you about climate change?
  • What specifically worries you about climate change?
  • What are you doing to lower your impact on the environment?
  • What is holding you back from lowering your impact?

After gathering the information and teaming up with Acadia’s Sustainability Officer Max Abu-Laban, there will be an event entitled “Talk to Me About Climate Change” on February 4th at 7pm in the Students’ Union Building (SUB).

Cormier explained that there will be a short presentation at the beginning of the meeting to lay some basic foundation for a lively conversation about climate change. The event will discuss cover many different areas including how we as a community can lower our impact, the barriers we face and the concern for our environment worldwide.

In the recent Students’ Representative Council (SRC) meeting Abu-Laban shared that there will be popcorn and catering at the event sponsored by the Town of Wolfville.

“We want to hear from the population of Wolfville, and that includes Acadia students!” Cormier stated.

Any students who are passionate about the environment or are worried about our planet’s future are encouraged to attend, even just to listen if they do not feel comfortable contributing to the main discussion!