You Talk. I Listen. We Act. My name is Ruvimbo Z. Chipazi and I am a 4th year Psychology student. I am running to be your next ASU president. I am a lover of stories and an artist. I have […]
Daily archives: February 8, 2019
19 posts
Hey Acadia! My name is Kyle Vandertoorn and I am beyond excited to be running to be your President in the upcoming 2019-2020 year! I am a third year Biology student, an advocate for student wellness, and a dedicated student […]
Allied health networks that incorporate exercise professionals into primary care have been shown to be especially effective at improving physical activity levels in various populations. Nova Scotia is particularly inactive as compared to other regions of Canada, with few Nova […]
Siblings play a major role in our lives. For many people, they’re our first friends and our first enemies. They help to shape who we are as people for better or for worse, and often act as supporters during challenging […]