My darling, with her clothes littered on a floor painted orange. The windows did not come prepared. Cactus on a stool, and a stack of our vinyls (we bought them in a far away fair). The nights are force with […]
My mother’s friend sips on her coffee, her eyes don’t leave my face. she warns as she looks at me, quietly, without saying a word, because at that age you must have heard warnings about smooth talking beasts, because things […]
Comfy sheets and blankets galore underneath the window sill, I cannot await you furthermore I just left you and still – I crave for you to hold me, to feel your warm embrace, I miss the way we used to […]
Our temple is the arena. Our shrine is the ice. Our skates, are the Holy texts. Our equipment is our prayer robes. The moment those doors open, as the cold air caresses the face, mysterious magic overwhelms the body. That […]
Don’t drop the hammer in the lake chilled inexperienced hands seem to think otherwise. Just, don’t drop the hammer in the lake honey. Shivering maple leaves were strewn upon the dock in autumn, and had rustled in protest in the […]
3,500 BC no metals native to this ground but people who built their lives in stone know stars and sea, know the scope of the world from here 2,500 BC Tarxien Cemetery comes strangely to life when metal comes to […]
Let me tell you about the saddest song in the world. I have heard many songs in my time, from opera houses to cheap taverns. From soaring angelic chorus, to the chitter-chant of demons. But none are quite so sad […]
Sleep never comes easy. I don’t know if the headache is physical or emotional in nature. My thoughts cause more problems than they solve. I wish someone had understood me 14 years ago when it was going on. I wish […]
He was drugs and drugs were him. They were circling through his system as oxygen would. He floated among the clouds as the drugs suffered the day. When the drugs came back home and put their head on the pillow, […]
Look in the mirror and put on your face. Some waterproof mascara frames each eye because you must be prepared just in case your day turns from bad to worse and you cry. If a tear should fall, you will […]
Waves crash against the sand in the distance as I look along the beach in the dim, blue light of nautical twilight. I can taste salt on my skin when I lick my dry lips where I had been biting […]
Your eyes are brown and beautiful, it’s been longer than three years since I last saw them. No one ever tells you that brown eyes can be beautiful, everyone fawns over the depth and clarity of blues and greens. Beautiful […]
It’s 4 in the morning and my head keeps thinking about the puddles on the floor from when the rain came in. I live in a house with blood stains under fresh paint and a foundation that creaks under the […]
“I woke staring at the ceiling. I just laid there, not moving. I just watched as the shadows danced around the ceiling. They moved so slowly but elegantly. They moved to the drum in my chest and my ears. Their […]
Trying to be silent And not show any fear With darkness as a cover For things that are too near My footsteps echo slowly Down this creaky hallway floor My only sweaty focus The haunched white figure standing in the […]