Two things happened to me this past May: I turned 22, and the class I matriculated with graduated without me. Of course, people take an extra year to finish of their degree all the time. Personally, I’m taking a fifth […]
Arts & Culture
One thing I have noticed is that Acadia can be very segregated and cliquey. I also noticed, we tend to either define ourselves within a group or outside of it. Each group comes with its own complexities and dynamics. This […]
The Syrian conflict has created one of the worst humanitarian crises of modern times. It is estimated that more than half of the country’s pre-war population have been killed or forced to flee their homes. Due to the whereabouts of […]
The Acadia International Society is hosting its 2nd Annual Food Explosion with dishes, desserts and beverages from countries around the world. We encourage all Acadia Students to come out to experience a taste of the diversity that Acadia’s campus has […]
Coffee House and Open Mic – March 14th @ 7pm-9pm: Michener’s Lounge Theme: Express yourself From your struggles to the things that make you smile in life. From one line to a whole song. Come on Thursday to listen and […]
We often hear the term intersectionality in sociology, women and gender studies, and sometimes politics. The word was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw and is used to describe how social categorizations such as race, gender, and class are interrelated, and how […]
Warren Sutton (’63) was 21 in 1960 when he came to Canada for the first time, traveling in a car with legendary Acadia basketball coach Stu Aberdeen to suit up for the Axemen. A star player, Sutton had started his […]
Decolonizing Desirers is a zine created by Al Cusack and River Pictou. The zine, a small, self-published book, was created as a project for Al’s Sociology of Health class at St. Thomas University. Although the class is what prompted the […]
So, for most people, reality should have set in regarding the start of the semester. The Winter semester is in progress, in case some people were still in denial, and I don’t judge because I know that there are roughly […]
The new year is right around the corner which means new year’s resolutions for most people. A time to start afresh. Commit to making better choices, trying new things and maybe even cutting out some undesirable people from your circle […]
As the holiday season approaches, I kindly remind others that there is more to Christmas than what is underneath the tree. My name is Samantha Teichman, I am a fourth year Sociology & WGST student, and my Honours research explores […]
I’m taking a moment to remove these glasses I wear because currently I do not need them to see what I see, but I wonder if you do? What makes a person human? What entitles them to certain treatment? What […]
My name is Jemma Grace Courrier, and I’m not a very big fish in a very big, intimidating pond. I’m here to tell you a bit about the transgender day of remembrance, or TDoR for short. Disclaimer: This may come […]
Last week, we sat down with Jesse Van Gestel, owner of Wolfville’s newest café “Charts” to get to know him and his café a little better. Off the beaten path, Charts Café is a travel-inspired, casual, professional and intimate gathering […]
Over the past few days, StFX University has seen a collective resistance arise from students, faculty, alumni, and parents alike, all of whom have been failed, not for the first time, by their university administration. The university’s mishandling of a […]