Lake Ontario

There were two, there were once three
oceans which adjoined the shores of Lake Ontario.
Our pasts:
they drank its fresh water and swam together,
they (they) they.

Lake Ontario,
two lived on its northern border.
Where the winters once bit off innocent ankles, where
we threw the sticks into suspension.

Men will love you: Lake Erie or Lake Superior,
Lake Michigan, Lake Someone.
They will love you and you will love them.
Men will love you, after we laughed.
After we walked on floating trees, 
broke up super-still water.

[ Three oceans: you're a Physics professor,
and you find time to read novels. Your kids have deftly
learned to feed the cats. You once saw me on a 
train and I was doing laundry and you thought I was
sexy. ]

was the first face that I saw.
was a freezing open window

Of course, 
there will be Monday mornings and car trips in the backseat
and endless Novembers in the Zoo, where little Martin
tries not to bite at his fingers.

Lake Ontario,
she lived under your arms. And she lived around your twisting coasts. 
She breathed the night air and pinkyswore; she loved you like I loved you. 
She was crying into the endless nocturne, she sung down the windows and whistled. 
She plays the game where you pretend to be a kid again when noone is watching,

And she (she), she didn't cry with the lowest rains. She stands under a radio tower and yells. 
She kisses you the night she should have and nothing else has ever happened.