My name is Madeline Johnson and I am in my second year of my undergrad as a Psychology major. Throughout my life I have been heavily involved in various student councils and in leadership roles. Most recently, I have been in the role of Vice President Events on the Chase Court House Council Executive. As students of Acadia, you work hard to be here, and I want to help make your academic experience as successful and fulfilling as possible. I hope to continue working with other external institutions across Nova Scotia as well as the country to keep reaching to new heights in improving mental health resources on campus. I also hope to provide students with resources so they can efficiently plan their courses for future semesters, giving high school students more information about courses as well as creating more reservable study spaces on campus in buildings other than the library. Facilitating a transparent and thorough conversation between both students and external institutions is also very important to me. Education gives you options and I want to help you get the results and the most out of your academic years at Acadia.
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