In response to “Why I Hate Meal Hall” from Issue 78.2 When I walk into meal hall every morning, I am always welcomed by a kind woman sitting behind the desk, who swipes my student card as well as hundreds […]
Halloween is a fun time of year for many people. It is often a chilly season that leads to lots of weather changes and exciting social events. According to The History Channel, Halloween is thought to have originated from the […]
We all remember our first encounter with the University hill. The soreness that those first initial walks presented was obvious. This fatigue inducing exercise is one that the majority of the Acadia student body experiences, and especially in the first […]
I am a Nova Scotian – a proud graduate of Acadia University (BScHon, MSc) and a professor in Acadia’s Biology Department since 2005. My perspective on the harvesting of Bay of Fundy tidal energy using stand-alone turbines (not housed within […]
“All humans are human, and not one of us is more human than the other.” These words are spoken by Lt.-Gen. Roméo Dallaire, at his talk on October 21st at Horton High School. I am forced to look up from […]
New Compound Removes Mercury from the Environment A newly synthesized compound, sulphur-limonene polysulphide, containing a substance found in orange peels, has been shown to remove dangerous, bioaccumulating mercury from the ocean, even changing colour as it does so. The red […]
Consider this: Tracey Barlow murdering her boyfriend with a blunt object, the scandalous affair between a married Deidre and local shop owner Dev, Kirsty abusing her husband Tyrone, the mysterious death of factory owner Frank, the kidnapping of Gail Platt’s […]
It isn’t often that an Opinions Editor sits down to pen a positive letter about a figure of influence. At the same time, I find it wholly fitting and necessary to express these words of support to the president of […]
This November 4-8th marks the 6th Annual Devour Food Film Fest. I met with directors of the festival, Michael Howell and Lia Rinaldo, to learn more about the festival, it’s origins, and what the event has to offer our community. […]
When students start their university education, they expect to do at least as well as they had in high school and to graduate with a degree in four years. Unfortunately, some students find the transition to university so challenging that […]
To the Editor, Public art. Two words that are thrown around but never really thought about. You may be asking what relevance this has. You’re not wrong in doing so. After all, this article is titled “How to Beautify Acadia”, and don’t we already have […]
The Politics Film Series hosts a screening every Friday at 6:30PM in BAC 138. The series features films which deal with contemporary, classic and critical political problems. Film is one of the most salient mediums for communication. It enforces a […]
The following is a narration based on a study conducted by the University of Windsor. The first set of three Chemistry midterms had just finished. April glanced around with a curious suspicion and a creeping sense that most of her […]
Yik Yak is an anonymous app that lets you post random comments in your area. People are able to post anything from complaints, hopes, and questions with the knowledge that only local viewers will be able to comment. While Yik […]
First year university can be a challenging time to start over in a new place. New places mean new areas to study and also new ways of cooperating with the environment that surrounds you. The following are a few tips […]