A Tribute to Jeremy David Ingham: 1995-2017
I wish I could write this with the justice and passion that Jeremy deserves. I did not know him personally, but Jeremy was someone who every Acadia student was familiar with. Jeremy passed away at age 22 on December 29th, 2017. Jeremy fought a long, hard battle after being diagnosed with bone cancer in 2013. In July 2017, Jeremy was informed that his cancer was inoperable. Despite this, Jeremy stayed the positive, hard working, and selfless person he was. Jeremy established a memorial fund for cancer research through the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute and the IWK Foundation in Halifax (see bottom of article to consider donating to Jeremy’s trust). Jeremy was a member of the Acadia swim team during the 2015-2016 season – a remarkable feat considering all he had been through. Jeremy made a donation to his team to improve their locker room after discovering that his illness was terminal. Jeremy graduated from Acadia with a BSC in Chemistry and Biology in October 2017. Jeremy left Acadia students with an inspiring message prior to his passing: “Just keep going. A little bit of pressure can be a good thing. Make good use of your time here because it goes much quicker than you think. And don’t be afraid to push beyond your comfort zone in academics, sports, clubs, and social situations. To those who are trying to find their path in life, know that it’s okay to not know what you want to do in the future. It’s better to wait until you have that genuine moment where you discover what really drives you than to jump into something unimportant because it was a safer choice.” One does not need to know Jeremy well to appreciate just how special he was. Thank you, Jeremy, for making Acadia, Wolfville, and the world a better place.