This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the ever-so controversial tradition of Cheaton Cup. This annual hockey game expresses the rivalry between two campus residences, Eaton and Chipman. Many people choose to remember this day as one to forget; long-lasting […]
Monthly archives: March 2016
Having a sister is challenging, yet very rewarding, She is there to help you through your struggles, And she knows your pain, She will tell you the truth, all the time, Her honesty is as kind as truth can be, […]
We darted out from the wooded grove and into a flat, open expanse, where fields of canola and corn and fallow land spread far into the flat horizon, studded with silver mountains and the blue sky was laced with […]
Girls’ Night Out is a crisis of conscience and representation. Directed by independent filmmakers Phyllis Ellis and Donald Brittain, Girls Night Out is a sensationalist 44 minute misdirection in ethical and just reporting. Although not explicitly named, the documentary takes […]
International Women’s day took place at Acadia on Tuesday March 8th. This was a day where women were able to come together and acknowledge the contributions that the female gender has made and will continue to make on a social, […]
While 1 in 5 may face a mental illness, 5 in 5 have mental health. That’s right everyone, just like physical health, mental health can be cared for, improved, and supported. Here in Wolfville, Acadia Mental Health works diligently to […]
It is difficult to imagine being expelled today for an act as innocuous as writing a feather-ruffling poem, but that is exactly what happened to former Acadia student Robert Fiander in 1959. On the afternoon of March 14th, students, faculty, […]
“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” That was a quote Trump himself read out loud at a rally in South Carolina. And when Barack Obama chose not to attend […]
There are posters up about an approaching campus contest that challenges us to go without smartphones for an entire 24 hours. 24 of them. It seems to have been created by some high-minded people who want to rub it in […]
Note from the Editor: Marcel Falkenham is the Director of Facilities at Acadia University. During his tenure here, the university has seen some remarkable improvements in sustainability efforts across campus. Through this piece, the Athenaeum hopes to illuminate some of […]
It was March of 2014 when I first received the email from Residence Life. I remember having to irritably scroll halfway down the page before I found out if I got the job or not. To my surprise, I did […]
Fresh buds bloom on the branches of a tree green seeps into the brown of the prairies reminding us the cold did not kill—free from the frigid snow and angry flurries. Summer shocks, with her temper flaring. Searing the memory […]
I’m sure it started in a warehouse but eventually you’d wear it down to be little more than threadbare red hair still stuck to its seams. You left it in your dresser for far too long it used to […]
I remember how the water crested. And also the pupils that remained fixated beneath the deluge of a dimming August sun on iridescent Scotian lakes. I remember how your hair floated; swelling with the sonorous tremors of the ephemeral cosmos […]
Walking alone through night on the third day of fall; walking to the store to buy a lighter – hair loose and makeup is fading, smiley lips at the busy busy people with their various lives – I look like […]