Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008)– Netflix This documentary chronicles the life of Andrew Bagby. A man murdered by his ex-lover Not long after his death, she proceeded to announce that she was pregnant with […]
Monthly archives: November 2016
Stoner movies are usually seen as the lowest echelon of comedies, blatantly and shamelessly pandering to mentally stunted adults that are still trying to hold on to their fading adolescence. Well, by the general public at least. And although […]
If you lack self-control when it comes to being able to shut your computer screen at the end of a long day because you can’t get enough of your new favourite show, I encourage you to stop reading this article […]
Homelessness is an issue which faces many youth in the Annapolis Valley. On any given night, it is estimated that between 58-70 youth in the Annapolis Valley experience homelessness, not including those currently in the Child Welfare or foster care […]
For many undergraduate students, attending university is one of the first times living away from home. Some of the privileges of being an independent adult are a lack of bedtimes, doubling your helping of dessert… and paying your own bills […]
In February of 2016, Acadia Students’ Union members were tasked with voting yes or no for a potential facelift to the Axe Lounge, a renovation which was paired with a vote for revamped disability access in the Students’ Union Building. […]
[This article was written by Josh Sampson, an Acadia University student charged with mischief during a September 2016 house party which grew out of control. This article was written as a part of his reparations for this conviction.] Early […]