Those familiar with Nova Scotia’s seemingly endless stretches of highway are likely accustomed to the sight of roadkill. But now, Acadia Master’s candidate Stephanie White is researching a way to make our roads safer for both the animals that cross […]
Daily archives: January 25, 2017
On January 13th and January 20th, the Acadia Computer Science Society (ACSS) and Jodrey School of Computer Science (JSOCS) hosted a seminar on how to use text editors. This seminar was put together for students in Computer Science and for […]
I know that not proclaiming love—nay—adoration for Star Wars will upset people reading this review. People are alarmingly reverential about Star Wars, and critiquing it will net you surprising levels of hostility. Glancing at the front-page user review that greeted […]
I suffer from severe anxiety. Tight chest, hair tugging, sleepless night, and nail biting until you bleed severe anxiety. Why am I telling you this? Humans love categorizing things, and these labels are obviously necessary for many items, products, and […]
Cockadoodles is a “colouring book full of wieners. It’s full of things to colour, as well as colouring book activities like a wordsearch, maze, circle the differences, and more. It’s just like a classic colouring book but with page […]