According to the most recent Statistics Canada census taken in 2011, 76.1% of Canadians reported having an affiliation with a religion. This number includes those who are only nominally involved and has likely declined since then. Regardless, the reality is […]
Daily archives: February 25, 2019
Mental health is an uphill battle More like a fumble Starting with a stumble After a smilingly small event In your eyes Teary eyes, stuttered speak l cant breath l squeak Shaking and losing my stepping You ask what’s wrong […]
I am soaked in tears, and ridden by fears. So sad in despair, having these dreams of a nightmare. Honestly looking forward to fall, being freed from it all. Cause with these screams in my head death is no threat. […]
My demons are my shadows Keeping their distance but always by my side Growing They follow me even in the brightest of days and darkest of nights They creep close enough to see silently waiting to corrupt my mind With […]
As the wood struck against the sandy shores, the rowboat grinded to a halt. As the captain and his six men touched down on the sandy shores they saw before them a lush jungle that was only parted by a […]