Hey Acadia! My name is Molly, I’m a third year Music and Political Science student and I want to be your VP Academic & External!
I’m a proud Axeperson, passionate student leader and a strong voice for student need on campus. Through my experiences as an RA, volunteering across campus and as the Chairperson of SRC I have proven my leadership ability, compassion and fierce commitment to Acadia students.
My platform is based on 3 pillars: Accessibility, Affordability, and Accountability.
Acadia has a diverse student population that needs to be served fully and equitably by its representatives. As VP A&E I will advocate for the use of accessible font and resources in classrooms. I will listen to minority groups on campus to address barriers faced by students and continue to support the decolonization of Acadia. I will fight for quality health care on campus by providing mental health resources and advocating for a nurse practitioner.
Financial status should not be an indicator of academic ability.
I will fight against rising tuition costs. I will address textbook inaccessibility by providing resources to students and pushing for the use of shared resources in classrooms.
Elected representatives have a duty to hold the university and the ASU accountable to students.
As VP A&E I will be open and transparent with students by holding office hours in accessible spaces and maintaining open communication with students.
For more information on my platform check out my Facebook page!
For a dedicated, informed and passionate representative, Vote Molly.