On Tuesday, October 18th, WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Acadia presented a collection of poster presentations bringing together a variety of researchers from across campus. Each poster represented a unique way to look at how technology can be applied […]
In a satirical article in Outside Magazine entitled, “Obituary: Great Barrier Reef (25 Million BC-2016),” Rowan Jacobsen describes the tragic death of the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral structure. Rich in marine life, and stretching for more than 2,600km along […]
The people have spoken, the votes are in, and the ballots are counted. The 2016 municipal election for Wolfville took place on October 15th and the outcome was far from the norm – 5 out of the 6 elected councilors are women. “We […]
Photographers can capture some of the most gripping moments in life with just a simple picture. Photographs intrigue us, entice us, beg us to peer in and know more. Famous wedding photographer Fer Juaristi describes photographs as, “what matters is […]
(Warning Spoilers Ahead! Although the book is like 70 years old) A Farewell To Arms is Hemingway’s seminal works. And I will never sway on that regard. The book chronicles the life of Frederic Henry, an American paramedic serving […]
As I walked out of the sixth office I had been in that day, it finally dawned on me that I had spent the past five hours on a wild goose chase. Everyone I met kept passing me onto the […]
Your eyes are brown and beautiful, it’s been longer than three years since I last saw them. No one ever tells you that brown eyes can be beautiful, everyone fawns over the depth and clarity of blues and greens. Beautiful […]
It’s 4 in the morning and my head keeps thinking about the puddles on the floor from when the rain came in. I live in a house with blood stains under fresh paint and a foundation that creaks under the […]
“I woke staring at the ceiling. I just laid there, not moving. I just watched as the shadows danced around the ceiling. They moved so slowly but elegantly. They moved to the drum in my chest and my ears. Their […]
Trying to be silent And not show any fear With darkness as a cover For things that are too near My footsteps echo slowly Down this creaky hallway floor My only sweaty focus The haunched white figure standing in the […]
Her eyelids feel like iron slabs, but her body and mind won’t rest. The cold air of October leaks into her little room to battle and win against the tiny space heater she manages to shove into the corner among […]
As the sun sets over the sea And the sky fades to grey I fly away From turkey and talks Of what I am studying, Planning, loving, achieving I leave with a little less Less of a rock in my […]
Comet tells a story of love that spans over six years and over a few parallel universes. I’d like to start off by applauding it for the bold stylistic choice used to represent it. The non-linear timeline flashes forward, backwards, […]
When you think of movies for car guys, you think of the Fast and Furious series, Smokey and the Bandit, some direct-to-T.V. thing about Steve McQueen. As you think of those movies, you also judge the people they represent. […]
Before I proceed, I will begin by stating that I am not, and never will be, a varsity athlete. I will never be a mathematician, I will never be a concert pianist, I will never be a surgeon. I will […]