holds babes and breaks quick swaddle it in the bath wean it into a rip- tide gurgle salt water tend that sore throat boils not when watched burned? hold it under the tap tap a leak in the house drain […]
The millennial generation, the next generation to inherit the responsibility of taking care of the planet, faces the greatest challenges ever encountered by humankind. The collective advancement of humanity since our species arrival has led to our current predicament. Modern environmental destruction, biodiversity loss, social and political unrest, and wealth inequality are all issues that have been building up and unfolding for generations but now seem to plague our everyday lives.
The beer pours an amber brown, like contaminated water but much tastier. On the nose there are hints of light caramel, and a mild nutty/oaky kind of scent. The mouthfeel is standard and inoffensive, with some pesky bitterness poking its head through. There is a slight unpleasant sourness to the beer but I’m sure if I was much drunker I’d mind it less, like being at the Vil or watching live folk.
Pro-choice advocates of Prince Edward Island can finally relax. They put down their picket signs and let out sighs out of relief because future generations of women will not have to jump through hoops to have basic access to […]
When one person feels that their life is no longer worth living and makes the choice to end it, it is an unfathomable shame – that is not to be denied. However, when an entire community has to label suicide as […]
Good news for cider lovers – you will soon be able to enjoy locally sourced, freshly pressed, and most importantly delicious apple cider (of the alcohol variety) courtesy of Annapolis Cider Company. The cider company, opening its doors at the […]
The road to happiness is the sloppiest piece of shit road I have ever been on, and that’s saying a lot. I’m from Manitoba, where they invest more money into Slurpee’s than into the roads you drive as you stare […]
For my Post-Confederation Canadian History class (HIST 2783 x2), it was a requirement that students form small groups and complete a term project that helps promote the notion that Canadian History is absolutely NOT boring. For this assignment, we were […]
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the ever-so controversial tradition of Cheaton Cup. This annual hockey game expresses the rivalry between two campus residences, Eaton and Chipman. Many people choose to remember this day as one to forget; long-lasting […]
Having a sister is challenging, yet very rewarding, She is there to help you through your struggles, And she knows your pain, She will tell you the truth, all the time, Her honesty is as kind as truth can be, […]
We darted out from the wooded grove and into a flat, open expanse, where fields of canola and corn and fallow land spread far into the flat horizon, studded with silver mountains and the blue sky was laced with […]
Girls’ Night Out is a crisis of conscience and representation. Directed by independent filmmakers Phyllis Ellis and Donald Brittain, Girls Night Out is a sensationalist 44 minute misdirection in ethical and just reporting. Although not explicitly named, the documentary takes […]
International Women’s day took place at Acadia on Tuesday March 8th. This was a day where women were able to come together and acknowledge the contributions that the female gender has made and will continue to make on a social, […]
While 1 in 5 may face a mental illness, 5 in 5 have mental health. That’s right everyone, just like physical health, mental health can be cared for, improved, and supported. Here in Wolfville, Acadia Mental Health works diligently to […]