Childcare may be the furthest thing from the minds of many students, which is understandable. However, campus childcare has impacts on many students, their quality of education, and gender parity issues at Acadia. As faculty retire, new talent must be […]
Monthly archives: November 2018
She is often a soul of passion and chaos. Wild and wandering. I don’t have a big enough vocabulary to explain who she is, and what she means. So, I’ll just say this; My fingers find their purpose […]
The iconic chimney behind Raymond Field has finally been dismantled. It was commissioned for the Central Heating Plant in 1949 and was ultimately decommissioned in 2014 when the boilers were converted to No. 6 Fuel Oil. With the virtual elimination […]
Today, the Acadia Students’ Union (ASU) issued a media release and video to explain some of the proposed by-law changes that will be coming forward for adoption on December 4th, 2018, in response to recent public criticism from students. The […]
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash I’m taking a moment to remove these glasses I wear because currently I do not need them to see what I see, but I wonder if you do? What makes a person human? […]
After a short hiatus, the “Ask Ellen” column has returned to The Athenaeum. Follow along for answers to all of your most pressing questions. How was your trip? Do you miss me??? My trip was life-changing. For those of you […]
My name is Jemma Grace Courrier, and I’m not a very big fish in a very big, intimidating pond. I’m here to tell you a bit about the transgender day of remembrance, or TDoR for short. Disclaimer: This may come […]
As Acadia’s contract with Chartwells Canada comes to an end in April 2019, Acadia University faces a decision that will impact students for the next several years. Chartwells Canada has provided our campus with food services for the past 12 […]
Acadia University has recently launched Acadia 2025, a strategic planning exercise for the year 2025. On Thursday, the Task Force of Acadia 2025 held an open drop-in session in the SUB for the student body to share their views regarding […]
The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) is the body of students who are elected by their peers to run the Acadia Students’ Union. Council meets bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 5:15 PM in the Beveridge Forum which is located off of the […]
After a short hiatus, the “Ask Ellen” column has returned to The Athenaeum. Follow along for answers to all of your most pressing questions. What is your key to confidence? First of all, thank you for thinking I am confident. […]
After a short hiatus, the “Ask Ellen” column has returned to The Athenaeum. Follow along for answers to all of your most pressing questions. How to swallow the BS Ath is spinning? We have to remember that the Ath contains […]
The conclusion to the Acadia Men’s Rugby Club season was a bit of a mixed bag. The First Division hosted the provincial final in conjunction with the CIS women’s national tournament on Raymond Field against the St. FX X-men. Acadia […]
Today’s society is one of constant change and technological adaptation. In a world where every new product is the “next big thing,” it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly who will become the next giant in an industry. I, however, believe that […]
Look, I wouldn’t blatantly say it’s a power grab. But, at the same time, I can’t say it’s not. It’s either a power-grab or the people who we’ve elected to represent us don’t understand how centralizing power strips Acadia students […]