I am not falling. I am not still. I am fabricated by false realities Your lies settle beneath the surface, under my skin. My heart is peeled, sliced into thin slabs of betrayal or do you eat it whole? […]
In 2014 the World Health Organization stated there are approximately 800,000 people who successfully commit suicide per year. If you do the math, this checks out to be roughly one person every 40 seconds. There are many reasons I […]
Whenever I tune my guitar, You. Whenever I look at the stars, You, My heart is scarred Threw My vision blurred Me I don’t know why I hurt. Against your lips, rough like dirt Your, but I love your […]
You collected our eyelashes in jars Hoarding our stolen wishes for yourself Starving like birds, mouths opened wide were ours You fed us your doctrine, first book then shelf Until we had swallowed a library. My throat rough with […]
This is not a poem. This is my acknowledgement that a problem exists within our language. This problem doesn’t appear to me because I have sisters, nieces, or a mother. I am not a feminist because of those reasons. […]
Your fingertips trace the line of my spine and I shiver with an unexplainable, uncomfortable pleasure. I close my eyes and my head tilts back to invite your warm lips to dance across the vulnerable skin of my neck. I […]
So that’s what it feels like to completely stop . . . And think for just a moment: What if they were mine? It wasn’t always like this They’re just a friend My mind won’t stop these thoughts I wish […]
I do not know how to put the happy back in my head how to stop the aching of my bones how to fill the hole between my lungs. I am a ship capsized by a sea of loneliness […]
All this happened both forever ago and about a half a second since, in a span of around thirty seconds. It seems like an unapproachable distance of separation though, since then, that last year of school I thought I […]
The smell of ash and winter clung to her stockings like the babies her husband prayed for. Itchy and tight, she couldn’t resist a scratch. Scrtttch. One chipped talon gave birth to a new run. “Ripped another pair?” Molly, her […]
A silent political fringe so low-key they’ve never actually been classified. Enter, the alt-nah… Typically, nobody would actually identify as being part of the alt-nah because politics is just…nah. Hillary being crooked? Nah. Trump being… I don’t have enough words […]
She was a flame. The hot red poker was always cracking down on my fingers as I reached to grab the black butt on the bullet of her favourite lipstick. The glossy silver of the tube, how smooth the strawberry […]
I bring my wine glass to my lips, letting the bouquet of it introduce itself to my sense of smell, letting the bright, yellow flavour dance across my tongue. I wish I was dancing now, bare feet resting on top […]
Feeling lost? Are you scared? I can tell something is on your mind. Look, it’s not that bad… Underneath the pain is a new light. Reacting negatively is not the right way. Endure the pain. I know right now it […]