When I first came to Acadia, I didn’t think exam season would be so stressful. Silly first year me was under the impression that University exams would be just the same as High School, and that I could cram the […]
Recently transferring to Acadia from Western, I was clueless about the tradition of Cheaton Cup. I had never heard of it, but all my friends swore it would be the best time of my undergrad. Hesitant, and to be honest […]
I am the person in your class who stays up until 4am studying for a midterm or writing a paper. I am the person who is constantly running around doing this and that. I am the friend that you jokingly […]
Stop Making Sense – Talking Heads To start this list, let us begin in 1983 with Talking Heads and their movie/live album Stop Making Sense. In my opinion, this is one of the best performances and live albums […]
What comes to mind when someone talks about Hormone Replacement Therapy? For most people, they immediately think about a person they know that has gone through the process. Overall, people know about the fact that it helps a person appear […]
On Thursday, March 2rd, Acadia Pride hosted it’s biweekly “Ace Space” meeting for anyone that identifies on the asexual or aromantic spectrum. An asexual person is someone that doesn’t experience sexual attraction or associations, but may have an interest in […]
Recently, I have become uncomfortable with my comfortable existence. After reflecting on the discourse of my life, I have realized that I had become content with the social norms that have been engrained in me as core values since I […]
My mother’s friend sips on her coffee, her eyes don’t leave my face. she warns as she looks at me, quietly, without saying a word, because at that age you must have heard warnings about smooth talking beasts, because things […]
Comfy sheets and blankets galore underneath the window sill, I cannot await you furthermore I just left you and still – I crave for you to hold me, to feel your warm embrace, I miss the way we used to […]
Our temple is the arena. Our shrine is the ice. Our skates, are the Holy texts. Our equipment is our prayer robes. The moment those doors open, as the cold air caresses the face, mysterious magic overwhelms the body. That […]
Don’t drop the hammer in the lake chilled inexperienced hands seem to think otherwise. Just, don’t drop the hammer in the lake honey. Shivering maple leaves were strewn upon the dock in autumn, and had rustled in protest in the […]
3,500 BC no metals native to this ground but people who built their lives in stone know stars and sea, know the scope of the world from here 2,500 BC Tarxien Cemetery comes strangely to life when metal comes to […]
Hayly Thackeray watched the feature documentary with excitement. She sat in the audience at a girls-in-technology event in the Annapolis Valley. The room was full of excited viewers; however, Hayly noticed that she was the only female that was within […]
The internet allows anyone, even those who don’t know the first thing about what they are writing, to advocate their pet hypotheses. Sadly, erroneous ideas are too easily repeated as though facts by others to perpetuate misinformation; the more repetitions, […]
Harvard Computer Science graduate Chris White has recently applied data mining tools to make huge leaps in eradicating sex trafficking. In September 2010, Dr. White travelled to Afghanistan to bust an online financial system and confront al-Qaida. While at Harvard, […]