To the stranger sitting by the window With a glass of whiskey on the table. Eyes staring out into limbo A black round bowler hat that might make you a label. Who are you? Cheeks as thin as […]
Yearly archives: 2019
Jordan Mahaney is an aspiring graphic designer and artist, currently finishing her biology degree at Acadia University.
At 8:30AM on January 8th, the Committee of the Whole of the Town of Wolfville met to consider the development of the proposed Church Brewing Company at the corner of Main St. and Seaview Ave. The Committee had met in […]
So, for most people, reality should have set in regarding the start of the semester. The Winter semester is in progress, in case some people were still in denial, and I don’t judge because I know that there are roughly […]
Alyssa Hall, Councillor on the Students’ Representative Council has resigned from her position effective on January 10th, 2019. In a statement, ASU President George Philp noted that “On behalf of the ASU Executive I would like to thank Alyssa for […]
When we were young we planted trees; broken branches, shoved in the ground. Meeting at the stop sign every day to race forward through another dimension. A lump of mud we called a hill became our salvation, at the risk […]
Trees harbour squirrels and other small strangers. Fog and gloom to rise at dawn and settle at dusk. The lurking cold presents dangers to every shriveled fungus and petal. Dead leaves rustling down, haunt the forest floors. Emptied branches of […]
Lose yourself in the fog, the pacing of the waves on ancient volcanic rock, blind to urgent futures. Distance becomes misty between craggy cliffs, scrubbing at the shores —highest tides in the world. Heal in this suspended time, in the […]
Jordan Mahaney is an aspiring graphic designer and artist, currently finishing her biology degree at Acadia University.
One of my New Year’s resolutions for 2019 is to take better care of my mental health, and I definitely don’t feel like I’m alone in that decision. I think in recent years there’s been a pretty dramatic improvement in […]