Since the beginning of 2019, our Acadia researchers have been attending conferences in their respective areas of research, presenting their projects through posters and oral presentations. Exceptional presenters are eligible for awards, which included some Acadia students! As of now, […]
My name is Sabrina Nunn and I am a fourth year Kinesiology with Honours student. My honours research, “Past Action, Current Challenges, and Future Initiatives – An Investigation into the Hurdles for Achieving Gender Equity in Nova Scotia Sport” has […]
Plastic pollution is a major environmental stressor for marine life and is both long-lasting and near-ubiquitous in ocean ecosystems due to anthropogenic activity. Since the 1950s, when mass production of plastic products began, plastic debris has accumulated significantly in coastal, […]
My area of research is within the sociology of education, specifically Indigenous education in Canada. My master’s thesis explores institutional arrangements of the Nova Scotia Department of Education and curriculum for public high schools in Nova Scotia, asking how Indigenous […]
In the event of a death, there is a Western tradition to visit the family to give condolences; this visit is commonly paired with comfort food like casseroles, soups and sweets. However, the casseroles do not last forever, ultimately leaving […]
The goal of my thesis is to present a history of the Halifax Public Gardens that subverts the nature-culture binary that is fundamental and implicit in so many academic subjects, including environmental disciplines. For example, how many times do we […]
In my undergraduate research, I created and distributed a survey for my honours thesis in Acadia’s sociology program. In it, I questioned how students felt about Acadia’s student counselling services. More specifically, I sought to understand whether students felt this […]
Memories of Coming Out: Parents and Adult-Children Recall the Coming Out Experience Coming out, or revealing oneself to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer, etc. (LGBTQ+) can be incredibly stressful, largely due to fear of parental disapproval or rejection. It […]
My name is Katie Winters and I am a fourth-year Honours Sociology student. I have written my thesis as a content analysis of the multi-media project “Die Jim Crow”. I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Tony Thomson for […]
Marine ecosystems are difficult areas to investigate due to their vast ranges, but as a result of technological advancements, our understanding of ocean life including understudied marine microbial diversity is constantly improving. Marine fungi contribute to nutrient cycling as they […]
Blanding’s Turtle is an endangered species and one of the four turtle species in Nova Scotia. There were three previously known populations of Blanding’s Turtles in the southern region of Nova Scotia. The populations of Kejimkujik National Park and Historic […]
The K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre is a beautiful representation of the natural science community that exists at Acadia. The spacious and comforting Garden room with its’ cheerful citrus trees is a popular study place among students. The greenhouses are […]
My name is Zachary Visser and I am a fourth-year student pursuing my Honours in chemistry and double major in biology. The nature of my degree has allowed me to complete molecular biology research under the supervision of Dr. Russell […]
Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are the most agriculturally beneficial eusocial insects for crop pollination. Chemical communication is critical in maintaining colony structure and activity, which may be exploited by some parasites. Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman) (hereafter Varroa) is […]
As of January 30th 2019, the Blue Felt Lichen (Pectina Plumba) has been declared the official provincial lichen of Nova Scotia! A poll was held by LichenNS that was met with 565 responses, resulting in a win for the Blue […]