Science Senator: Nicole Kirkpatrick


My name is Nicole Kirkpatrick and I am in my third year of my Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Environmental Science. I am currently on a co-op work term at the Kentville Research Station, doing research on Landscape Ecology and saving the bees! I am pleased to announce that I am running for the position of the Science Senator in the Students Representative Council (SRC) for the 2019/2020 academic year. I am actively involved in the Acadia community as a TA in the Geology Department, as a Leader in the Adult S.M.I.L.E. Program, and as a member of Community Outreach Acadia (COA). I would love to represent the Faculty of Science next year and be a part of the ASU Council because I have a passion for Acadia, and for making a difference on campus. If you have any questions or concerns for me about my ideas for next year, please email me: [email protected].