On January 30th, 2017, the Acadia Computer Science Society opened a Presidential Election period for Computer Science students and society members. To vote, students were asked to email [email protected] with their selection for president. The deadline to vote was Feb. […]
When asked about my interest in writing this opinion, the first thing I thought was “I am walking into a minefield.” I am, along with most men I know, afraid to talk about women’s issues. Part of that comes from […]
This article should come with a trigger warning. Beheadings, stoning, lashings, and everything else that comes with living in a Muslim majority country, where do these things come from? Under Islam and Sharia law countless people suffer at the hands […]
Here is an awkward social situation that I’ve personally encountered multiple times in the course of my adult dating career here at Acadia. I call this the ‘Dating Dilemma.’ This is the scenario: A nice boy from class […]
Sitting down at the dinner table with my family I faced an awkward conversation. It started with griping about the state of the world: America, Europe, crisis after pandemic after crash. It was a depressing start to a conversation, to […]
My journey with feminism has been long and complicated and has most definitely evolved over the years. Looking back, it is abundantly clear that my parents raised me and my two sisters to be little feminists pretty much straight out […]
Recently, I have become uncomfortable with my comfortable existence. After reflecting on the discourse of my life, I have realized that I had become content with the social norms that have been engrained in me as core values since I […]
Those familiar with Nova Scotia’s seemingly endless stretches of highway are likely accustomed to the sight of roadkill. But now, Acadia Master’s candidate Stephanie White is researching a way to make our roads safer for both the animals that cross […]
On January 13th and January 20th, the Acadia Computer Science Society (ACSS) and Jodrey School of Computer Science (JSOCS) hosted a seminar on how to use text editors. This seminar was put together for students in Computer Science and for […]
I know that not proclaiming love—nay—adoration for Star Wars will upset people reading this review. People are alarmingly reverential about Star Wars, and critiquing it will net you surprising levels of hostility. Glancing at the front-page user review that greeted […]
I suffer from severe anxiety. Tight chest, hair tugging, sleepless night, and nail biting until you bleed severe anxiety. Why am I telling you this? Humans love categorizing things, and these labels are obviously necessary for many items, products, and […]
Cockadoodles is a “colouring book full of wieners. It’s full of things to colour, as well as colouring book activities like a wordsearch, maze, circle the differences, and more. It’s just like a classic colouring book but with page […]
By the time this is published Trump will have been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America. Perhaps there is already Nuclear War, perhaps he has surprised us and solved child poverty. Regardless, awestruck leftists need […]
Apparently, Ontario has the same New Year’s Resolution as your roommate: to shed a few pounds. As of January 1, 2017, Ontario’s new Healthy Menu Choices Act, 2015, requires that all food service providers within the province with 20 or […]
As he stared into her eyes, the silence seemed to creep up onto them. It hung there, sitting with them. Buzz. Buzz. Her phone. Her parents must have walked into her room where she was supposed to be sleeping. She […]