It’s unfair how the city can sleep. Despite the thunder and the all the rain. While I just keep starring. Wondering…. Wondering if you’re out there Thinking of me? Wondering about me? Even though we’ve yet to meet Or […]
Ethan Plater
The chill of the night rolls over me Baptizing me in the weight of my world At night time I see the wounds resurface As if summoned by the pressure that surround me Accomplices along with my captor You are […]
Hey, past lover. I think We were two sets of eyes watching same sets of clouds. Do you like the sound of that? Makes it sound pretty. Makes it sound real. Hey, past lover. I think I miss watching these […]
There exists an emptiness between who you were and who you wanted to be. Trying to hold this gaze across an abyss of liquid gray is like looking into the eyes of an old friend; something so familiar, twisted and […]
You are a closed book to new readers allowing them a glimpse of the forward and keeping the rest a mystery. These pages are only shown to those you trust will carefully dust off and read word for word, […]
We’re driving towards Cape Split with the sound of the engine cackling filling the cab when she says that she likes how careful I am with words, how comfortable I feel in a silence such as this. During our […]
It jumped at him, the mandibles clicking together while it was in the air, Carson moved backward tripping on a small stone crack, and landing on his back. The teeth missing him by inches as the creature flies over his […]
With the tides my body sways My clock is tied to the moon And my feet stuck in this soil Gravity pulls at all my pieces Lengthens my hair Stretches my breast Curves my back and Makes me a […]
I love angsty poetry, don’t you agree? Glorifying addiction and staying up until three Spending all night coming up with new rhymes Like popping vyves when you open your eyes Because you dread each morning when you wake In this […]
Mental health is an uphill battle More like a fumble Starting with a stumble After a smilingly small event In your eyes Teary eyes, stuttered speak l cant breath l squeak Shaking and losing my stepping You ask what’s wrong […]
I am soaked in tears, and ridden by fears. So sad in despair, having these dreams of a nightmare. Honestly looking forward to fall, being freed from it all. Cause with these screams in my head death is no threat. […]
My demons are my shadows Keeping their distance but always by my side Growing They follow me even in the brightest of days and darkest of nights They creep close enough to see silently waiting to corrupt my mind With […]
As the wood struck against the sandy shores, the rowboat grinded to a halt. As the captain and his six men touched down on the sandy shores they saw before them a lush jungle that was only parted by a […]
A peaceful brook, the dew-coated ferns A wise old Corsican pine The smell of all my Gran’s clothes and gifts Whisk me stray back to calm Loch Fyne We’d trade a bob for a bag o sweets Sort our […]
There are no more subtleties in the way that I speak And amidst a loss for words and thoughts that make me weak About the moments, Where I feel like I shouldnʼt be held accountable for the things Iʼve told […]