Some people never meet their grandparents, yet still they remain a topic of discussion at family gatherings or during moments of fond reminiscence. Everyone has heard some stories about their grandparents. Where they came from, who they were, their careers […]
Yearly archives: 2018
I am a person of many privileges. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia to loving parents who provided me with all of my needs and some of my wants. Most people in my circle looked like me. Growing […]
Photo credit to Sam Foran of Foran Photography This weekend, history was made in Nova Scotia. Tim Houston, MLA for Pictou East, accountant and entrepreneur by trade, husband of the amazing Carol Houston and father of the down to earth […]
Have you ever wanted to take part in the Amazing Race, but have never had the opportunity? Well, now is your chance! November 2nd, 1:30-5:30, there will be a race around Acadia for a chance to win prizes, such as […]
After a long and contentious election campaign, Acadia student Oliver Jacob has been elected as a Councillor in the Township of McNab/Braeside for the upcoming term (2018-2022) alongside Councillors Heather Lang and Scott Brum, Deputy Mayor Brian Armsden and Mayor […]
The Acadia Men’s Rugby Club wrapped up its regular season this past weekend, where both the first and second division sides found themselves in first place. Two hard earned wins were the fruits of some tough training in past weeks. […]
I am not sure when, why or how But it all feels real now This girl is so indescribably mysterious And to describe it through fallacy, she’s got me delirious I will take this chance to remind you that […]
X Debate, the official debate club of St Francis Xavier University, has won the inaugural Great Debate against Acadia’s Paul Tom Debate Society. The motion, “This House supports the use of civil disobedience as a means to achieve political change”, […]
I have one simple question: why does it seem that companies and their managers treat students and recent graduates like they have nothing to offer? Perhaps I’ve been out of the job market for too long. I’ve been self employed […]
Every time I walk on the lonely path Searching for someone else to share a life The manic mental laugh slithers in now The phrase spoken in hushed tones across town “No thanks” I know it means nothing right here […]
Over the past few days, StFX University has seen a collective resistance arise from students, faculty, alumni, and parents alike, all of whom have been failed, not for the first time, by their university administration. The university’s mishandling of a […]
The new Netflix original series Maniac is something quite unique. First off, Emma Stone and Jonah Hill as cast makes this series worth the watch. Every episode offers such a contrast of reality and fiction, modern or dated, and laissez-faire or chilling. Honestly, […]
At its core, public policy is supposed to the serve greater good, and no political party or ideology has a monopoly on good or bad ideas. Many politicians are elected and strive to do the best they can, while others […]
Maxime Bernier’s departure from the Conservative Party of Canada comes as no great surprise. Many Conservatives are worried this means a weaker party overall. I’ve heard numbers as large as ten percent of the Conservative Party base will support Bernier […]