Is all art equal? Consider the proposition: certain forms of art are superior to other forms of art. Consider Shakespeare, or Dickens, or James Joyce, whose crafts have all been well-proven against the tests of time. Then consider the current […]
Briefly describe your background as it pertains to tidal energy research. I’m a professor in the Community Development and the Environmental and Sustainability Studies programs. Exploring community assets, capacities and how these collectively support a sustainable society has been the […]
“Jon Smith wrote another beer review? Screw that, he probably just wrote about another Boxing Rock beer like the bleeding heart bluenoser he is” -everybody, probably Originality is key, and I think keys are old fashioned, so here’s another Boxing […]
After being free of classes for nearly a month and goofing around with all of your friends from high school, it can be pretty difficult to say goodbye. At the end of winter break we bid farewell to those people […]
The Acadia campus has seen an uprising of rain boots as a replacement for snow boots. This new trend is interesting for many reasons. It highlights a minimalist attitude towards fashion that is making a comeback not only in the […]
Students who arrive on their first day at Acadia, (or any university for that matter), are likely to experience euphoric feelings of excitement, to unnerving feelings of fear and uncertainty. However, most new students do not arrive at Acadia thinking […]
“Party for Africa” was a fundraiser organized by the Acadia Rotaract club for the Kikima grannies, who support the Kikima village in Kenya, East Africa. The title of the event is what initially caught my attention and after reading the […]
I’ll start by shooting straight; this is like my 5th beer of the night so my senses of taste and smell are slightly impaired. Experienced beer reviewers/hipsters say this is a bad idea for writing a review, but if you […]
There’s a political comic strip from the 80s called Bloom County. My parents used to have a collection of these strips which I used to read in elementary school, not understanding them at all. In one subplot, Donald Trump fell […]
I’ve noticed one big fact about this school: not many people give a shit about the newspaper or radio station. In fact, many people don’t even know we have one. With freedom-of-speech issues rampant across the world and mainstream news […]
What does university mean to you? Is it just a series of classes you attend day after day, or the notes you take in your books, or the letter grades printed on your blue transcript? I don’t think it should […]
1. Briefly describe your background as it pertains to the study tidal energy. I am a professor of finance in the School of Business. Since 2011, I have been researching the cost of tidal energy, the economic impact of developing […]
Most of the beers I’ve been covering so far this year have been Canadian beers, but I recently found out that other cultures exist. To quell any rumors of me being a filthy canuck xenophobe, I decided to review a […]
I often look around at Christmas time (or to be as politically correct as possible, the holiday season) and wonder just why I love it so much. I mean, it doesn’t have a whole lot going for it: it’s cold, […]
Briefly describe your background as it pertains to the study of tidal energy. I am a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics who uses mathematical models and numerical simulations to do research in physical oceanography and fluid dynamics. […]